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Daycare Is Defendant In A Lawsuit Alleging Sexual Abuse

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It is almost inconceivable that those charged with caring for the safety of young children would so horribly abuse this trust by sexually abusing a child.

Yet that is just what has been alleged in two separate lawsuits against the same daycare provider in Orlando, Florida.

Bright Horizons Children’s Center Sued For Allowing Sexual Abuse To Occur

According to WKMG Orlando, a Bright Horizons daycare facility in the city has been named the defendant in a second lawsuit alleging they failed to protect children in their care. It is the second allegation of sexual assault within a month of the first being filed.

According to the complaint, a former teacher at Bright Horizons had a criminal record and should never have been hired to care for children. The defendant had previously been charged with perpetrating a bomb threat and assault and battery against a family member.

According to the lawsuits, another teacher reported concerns to school administrators. The other teacher was concerned that the defendant was interacting in a way that made her suspect the children were being groomed to allow continued sexual abuse. The teacher who reported it was told by HR they would look into it, but did not receive further information.

The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) has investigated. As yet, there are no criminal charges, but the DCF has not released information to the public about its investigations and criminal charges may be forthcoming.

Due Diligence Is Required When Hiring Teachers

Because of the responsibility daycare providers have toward children and families, it is paramount that administrators conduct due diligence when hiring teachers. For example, convicted sex offenders are prohibited from working, volunteering and being around areas where children frequent.

Failing to be diligent in caring for the safety of children in daycare can lead to tragic consequences.

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