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Founder’s Hall Middle School Teacher Charged with Sexually Abusing Children

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Eric Fairman, a 26-year-old math teacher is being charged with having inappropriate sexual contact with several children on multiple occasions over a number of years.

Fairman was a middle school teacher and youth baseball coach at the western PA school.

Fairman was also a varsity baseball coach for Keystone Oaks School District and an assistant girls’ basketball coach at Thomas Jefferson High School, where Fairman’s mother is the head coach.

Fairman was previously the ninth-grade baseball coach and was a former substitute teacher at Thomas Jefferson High.  It is being reported that Fairman also coached various local youth league sports as well.

Police in Jefferson Hills have charged Fairman with indecent assault, unlawful contact with a minor, corruption of minors and illegal use of a communication facility. Fairman turned himself in and was denied bail.

Fairman allegedly entered the bedroom of a 12-year-old boy, laid on top of him and grabbed his genitals.  The boy told Fairman that he was hurting him, to which Fairman allegedly responded with “shut up and take it” and “I’ll be done soon.”  Another child reports Fairman pulled his pants down and fondled him.  At least two other boys shared similar stories of abuse by Fairman.  He has been charged with 11 separate incidents, however there are many other potential incidents that are being investigated.

It is also reported that Fairman often took children to his home after baseball practice, where he abused them repeatedly.  Perpetrators such as Fairman often associate themselves with youth serving organizations to have easy, unsuspecting access to victims.  Fairman’s list of victims may continue to grow.

If you or a loved one has been sexually victimized by Eric Fairman, contact Andreozzi + Foote today for a free consultation. We have extensive experience representing victims of sexual abuse in these types of institutional setting by teachers and coaches. Call us directly, toll-free at 866-311-8640.

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