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for Victims and Their Families

Sexual Assault Awareness And Prevention Required Year-round

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Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the National Child Abuse Prevention Month are both in April. Hopefully, by now you have been able to read about or participate in activities designed to help assault and abuse victims overcome obstacles and help make the U.S. a safer place for all. Throughout the U.S., large demonstrations occurred that gathered women, men and children together to combat sexual assault and abuse.

Awareness Is Increasing, But The Fight Is Nowhere Near Over

April was first named Sexual Assault Awareness Month in 2009. Since then, awareness has grown on just how large the problems of sexual assault and child abuse are. However, the problem continues. The following statistics are a sad and frightening reminder of how much work remains to be done:

  • According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), every 8 minutes a child is the victim of sexual assault
  • Every 98 seconds someone is sexually assaulted, according to the Department of Justice
  • Youngest people are at the highest risk of sexual assault, beginning at age 12
  • One of every six women in America has been the victim of attempted or completed rape

Legal Options For Victims

Victims of sexual assault may be able to help promote safety through civil lawsuits. By holding accountable institutions which allow sexual assault to occur, whether college administrations, athletic institutions, church group or any other organization, victims can help hold those responsible for allowing abuse to occur accountable.

Year-Round Advocacy Needed

We applaud the efforts of the numerous groups and individuals who worked hard in April, and continue to do so throughout the year, to promote safety and increase awareness of sexual assault and child abuse.

Of course, the message is needed year-round. Fortunately, numerous organizations work diligently around the clock to help victims of sexual assault and to raise awareness of how to prevent sexual assault from occurring.

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