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How Can Survivors of Sexual Abuse Maintain Anonymity During Legal Proceedings in Maryland?

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Are You a Survivor of Sexual Abuse in Maryland?

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, in most cases, the law in Maryland now allows you to maintain your anonymity if you pursue compensation by bringing a civil lawsuit against the person who abused you. You’ll need the help and advice of a Maryland sexual abuse attorney.

In 2023, the Child Victims Act became law in this state. The Child Victims Act allows childhood sexual abuse survivors to file civil lawsuits against abusers and against institutions and organizations that covered up or enabled sexual abuse. The Child Victims Act of 2023 also:

  1. allows the survivors of childhood sexual abuse to recover substantial compensation from abusers and from institutions and organizations that enabled or covered up the abuse
  2. removes the statute of limitations for childhood sexual abuse claims so that no matter when the abuse happened, survivors of childhood sexual abuse may now seek justice
  3. allows a survivor of childhood sexual abuse to bring a claim anonymously as “John Doe” or “Jane Doe” so that the abuse survivor’s private business may remain private

To What Extent Can Sexual Abuse Plaintiffs Remain Anonymous?

In Maryland, if you bring a civil claim for childhood sexual abuse under the Child Victims Act, your Baltimore sexual abuse lawyer will ask the court to keep your identity “under seal.” Your identity will be known to the court but will not be disclosed to the public at large.

A sexual abuse attorney will also request from the court a protective order which ensures that any sealed information in the case stays confidential. However, in your case’s discovery phase, your identity will probably have to be revealed to the defendant and to his or her attorneys.

The protective order strictly prohibits the defendant or any other party from disclosing sealed information to the public. No one who is not directly involved in the legal proceeding will have to know anything about it, including your friends, neighbors, family members, and employers.

How Are Sexual Abuse Claims Handled in Maryland?

Most sexual abuse claims in Maryland are resolved outside of the courtroom when the attorneys for both parties negotiate a settlement. Settlement agreements in sexual abuse cases usually include confidentiality provisions that prevent the disclosure of the abuse survivor’s identity.

While the vast majority of civil sexual abuse cases in Maryland are settled out-of-court, if the person who abused you denies that any abuse took place or fails to offer you an acceptable compensation amount, your Maryland sexual abuse attorney will take your claim to trial.

At a trial, your attorney can ask the court to allow you to testify as “John Doe” or “Jane Doe.” You might also be allowed to testify from behind a screen, by phone, or online. Your lawyer will help you take full advantage of the legal protections that are offered by the Child Victims Act.

What Steps Should an Abuse Survivor Take?

If you’re a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, before you take any other steps, schedule a consultation to discuss your case with a sexual abuse attorney who will review your abuse claim and provide you with personalized advice about the best way to move forward legally.

No one needs justice more than a sexual abuse survivor. However, it is vital to discuss your case with a lawyer as quickly as possible. If the sexual abuse occurred years ago, you and your lawyer need to begin identifying witnesses and gathering evidence now, before any more time passes by.

Still, no matter how much time has passed, it’s important to exercise your rights and speak to an attorney about obtaining justice and receiving the compensation you’re entitled to by Maryland law under the Child Victims Act.

Are You a Survivor of Institutional Sexual Abuse?

Institutional sexual abuse takes place when someone has taken advantage of a position of institutional authority in order to abuse someone under that institution’s care. That institution could be a church, a school, an athletic organization, or a group like the Boy Scouts.

Institutional sexual abuse also happens when an institution’s leadership enables or covers up sexual abuse. If you’re a survivor of institutional sexual abuse, in certain cases, that institution’s leadership may be held accountable for the abuse that you’ve suffered.

If you are a survivor of what you believe was institutional sexual abuse, promptly arrange to discuss your case and your options with a sexual abuse attorney in the Baltimore area. That attorney will provide your initial legal consultation for free and with no obligation.

What Will It Cost to Pursue Justice?

Bringing a claim of childhood sexual abuse in a Maryland civil court requires the services and advice of a Baltimore sexual abuse lawyer, but you won’t owe that lawyer any fee upfront. It costs nothing to have a lawyer review your case and explain how the Child Victims Act applies.

Sexual abuse attorneys in the State of Maryland represent clients on a contingent fee basis. You’ll pay no fee to your attorney until and unless you recover the compensation you are entitled to for your pain, suffering, counseling, treatment expenses, and related losses and damages.

At Andreozzi + Foote, We Fight for the Rights of Abuse Victims

If you’re a childhood sexual abuse survivor, and if you have not already obtained a counselor’s help, do so. A good counselor will help you to begin the healing process, and so will a dedicated and committed Baltimore sexual abuse attorney.

From anywhere in the state, if you are a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, schedule a consultation right away with the legal team at Andreozzi + Foote. We help clients understand the Child Victims Act, and we hold institutions and abusers accountable for childhood sexual abuse.

To find out more about your rights as an abuse survivor under Maryland’s Child Victims Act, or to begin the legal process now, promptly call the offices of Andreozzi + Foote at 866-311-8640, and let us fight – aggressively and effectively – for the justice you genuinely deserve and need.

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